Sure, I can provide you with a general description and steps to crochet your own trendy mesh top. Please note that this is a simplified overview, and you may need to refer to a detailed crochet pattern for specific measurements and stitch counts. Here’s a basic guide to get you started:

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Yarn: Choose a lightweight, breathable yarn in a color of your choice. Cotton or bamboo yarns work well for summer tops.
  2. Crochet Hook: Select an appropriate hook size for your chosen yarn. Refer to the yarn label for recommended hook sizes.
  3. Scissors: For cutting yarn.
  4. Tapestry Needle: To weave in loose ends.

Crochet Stitches You’ll Use:

  1. Chain (ch): The foundation of your work.
  2. Single Crochet (sc): Insert hook into a stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through both loops on the hook.
  3. Double Crochet (dc): Yarn over, insert hook into a stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through the first two loops on the hook, yarn over, pull through the remaining two loops.
  4. Treble Crochet (tr): Yarn over twice, insert hook into a stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through the first two loops on the hook, yarn over, pull through the next two loops, yarn over, pull through the last two loops.


  1. Measure and Chain: Begin by measuring around your bust and chain enough stitches for the desired width of your top. Make sure it’s a multiple of the stitch pattern you choose.
  2. Foundation Row: Work a foundation row in a stitch pattern of your choice (e.g., alternating sc and ch for a simple mesh pattern). This row will set the base for your top.
  3. Body: Continue crocheting in your chosen stitch pattern until your top reaches your desired length. Remember to create armholes by skipping a certain number of stitches in the center of your work.
  4. Shoulder Straps: To create shoulder straps, fold your top in half lengthwise and mark the stitches where you want your straps to start. Join your yarn at one of these points and crochet a chain of the desired length for your strap. Attach it to the corresponding point on the other side as well.
  5. Finishing: Weave in all loose ends, trim excess yarn, and make any necessary adjustments for a comfortable fit.
  6. Optional Embellishments: You can add decorative elements such as tassels, beads, or fringe to personalize your mesh top further.

Remember, the specific stitch pattern, measurements, and design choices will depend on your personal preferences. Be sure to consult a detailed crochet pattern or a designer’s instructions for more precision. Happy crocheting!