Creating a crochet mesh top is a fun and fashionable project for those with intermediate crochet skills. This breezy top is perfect for warm weather and can be customized in terms of size and color to suit your style. Below is a free pattern description to help you get started:

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Yarn: Choose a breathable and lightweight yarn suitable for warm weather, such as cotton or a cotton blend. The exact amount of yarn will depend on your size and desired length, but approximately 300-600 grams should be sufficient.
  2. Crochet Hook: Select an appropriate hook size for your chosen yarn. Typically, a hook size within the range of 3.5 mm to 5.5 mm works well for lightweight yarn.
  3. Scissors: For cutting yarn.
  4. Tapestry Needle: To weave in loose ends.

Stitches and Abbreviations:

  • Ch: Chain
  • Sc: Single Crochet
  • Dc: Double Crochet
  • Sk: Skip
  • Rep: Repeat
  • St(s): Stitch(es)


Front and Back Panels (Make 2):

  1. Start by chaining a multiple of 4 stitches plus 1. For example, if you want a small top, you can chain 101 (25 x 4 + 1).
  2. Row 1: In the 2nd chain from the hook, work 1 sc. Ch 3, skip 3 ch, 1 sc in the next ch. Repeat this pattern across the row, ending with 1 sc in the last ch. Ch 4 and turn.
  3. Row 2: 1 dc in the first sc from the previous row, ch 3, 1 sc in the next ch-3 space. Repeat this pattern across the row, ending with 1 dc in the last sc. Ch 4 and turn.
  4. Repeat Row 2 until your panel reaches your desired length, ending with a row of dc stitches.
  5. Once your panels are the desired length, finish off, leaving a long tail for seaming. Make sure both panels are the same length.


  1. Lay the two panels on top of each other, with the wrong sides facing each other.
  2. Seam the sides of the panels together using a whip stitch or your preferred seaming method, leaving openings for armholes. The width of these openings will depend on your size and preference.
  3. Weave in all loose ends.
  4. To finish, you can add a single crochet border around the neck and armholes for a neater edge.

Optional Customizations:

  • You can adjust the length of your top by crocheting more or fewer rows in each panel.
  • Experiment with different yarn colors or even variegated yarn for a unique look.
  • For added flair, consider adding fringe to the bottom edge of your top.

Remember to measure your work as you go to ensure it fits comfortably. Crochet tension can vary, so it’s essential to check your gauge and make adjustments as needed. Enjoy creating your stylish and breezy crochet mesh top!